1. Spring Box 1:51
  2. Discours 0:50
  3. Mixeur 1:29
  4. MX4L 2:11

Tracks (2,3,5,6,8,11) were carefully isolated from a 30-minute free improvisation.
Nourished by live looping and audio effects activated by the musicians, they illustrate the changing timbres and colors of instruments and voices in suspended moments.

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Artist : Philippe Limoge
Catalog ref. : AVM-01
Format : CD

MX4L (MAX for Live) powerful sound generation interface.
Explorers of digital tools Philippe Limoge, Patrice Héral and Jean-Luc Lehr play and improvise in a “Transgenre” musical fluxux. The different materials of musical writing are conceived as active and organized in time. They reflect the structural and qualitative aspects of musical discourse.